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Report generator for generating documentation.Auto-synchronization between source code and diagrams.Code Generation - model to code, diagram to code (UML model to code, class diagram to Java).Reverse engineering Java, C++, XML Schema, XML, DotNET exe/dll, CORBA IDL.Reverse engineering - code to model, code to diagram (Java to UML models, Java to class diagram).Business Workflow diagram - Process, Decision, Business Actor, Document.CRC (Class-Responsibility-Collaborator) Card diagram.Textual analysis for identifying candidate actors, use cases, classes.OO analysis (OOA), OO design (OOD) support.The latest UML support (class diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, state diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram).The UML CASE tool also provides abundant UML tutorials, UML interactive demonstrations and UML projects. You can draw all types of class diagrams, reverse code, generate code from diagrams and generate documentation. The UML modeling software helps you build quality applications faster, better and at lower cost. Visual Paradigm for UML is a professional UML tool that supports complete software lifecycle - object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, construction, testing and deployment.

Visual Paradigm for UML is a professional UML tool that supports complete software lifecycle - object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design, construction, testing and deployment.Visual Paradigm for UML (Standard Edition) is a powerfull tool that generates code from diagrams and generates documentation.